Friday 27 September 2013

RESEARCH - Carol Vernallis also has something to share..

Carol Vernallis 

She says that music videos are more edited than in a film and that the editing seems to have a rhythmic basis which is closely connected to the song.

Her main points are
  • Edits may be really obvious 
  • jump cuts are favored in music videos
  • Base track is used so often as it gives the music video a structure and something to work around
  • Continuity editing doesn't take place but instead is broken to grab attention 
  • Special effects and transitions are often added
  • The camera moves around with the music
  • Special effect used - slow motion to emphasize the performance given from the dancers
  • Another special effect used was fade in and fade out which is often used in films
  • Base track - Base track ( a master shot) was definitely used for the chorus and where each singer is doing a solo bit - this allowed the audience to show the artist alone and then back with the group
  • As for the camera moving in time with the music,there were crane shots used to get high angles filmed as well as a birds eye perspective.The camera was constantly zooming in and out of the performers (singers and dancers)
  • Panning was used to show the group as a whole
  • Carol Vernallis also noticed that in music videos, the artist likes to make eye contact with the camera and this song by The Saturdays deifnately support her point. Towards the end the group were looking straight at the camera

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