Tuesday 19 November 2013

RESEARCH-Rihanna -What now

What i like about this music video is that there is only one location but it is used very effectively. There are only two costumes which are the same but differenct colours. Rihanna wears a dress which is black in one shot and a white version of the same version(dress). The props she uses are very simple but have a long meaning behind it, for example the cross necklace she wears might connote that she's lost and as she says" i just can't figure it out" or she might be talking about something as typical as being in love. One thing i've noticed about the costume and location is that when the room is white she wears white and when the room is black she wears black.

 This is a a similarity to our music video because at the water fountain the girls wear all black in a dark place outside but there is lighting coming from the camera and from the fountain lights. However, there is a difference in our video when Rihanna is in the white room, in our video when the girls are infront of a white wall they wear again black to have more of an effect against the white wall.

Also the special effects that Rihanna has in her video is very effective and also the movements. There is a lot of movement in the video which aren't usual movements, there is also some fast pace moments when she moves like she's in pain

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