Friday 24 January 2014

Last post

I'm writing this feeling really relaxed and kind of happy but sad at the same time. I will dearly be missing blogger even though i did have some stressful times and sleepless nights, staying up and blogging. But I am relieved that the stress and sleepless nights will now be over. Its been such a great and a good experiencing journey for me and my group 2 (Me, AmaL, Farheen and Kavita) I will be missing working with this group and I really loved the joy it bought to me and i couldn't have done it without my group members. Its so sad to have to leave blogger knowing that I've been working on it from the continuation of last year. This blogger shows pretty much all the steps i took with my group throughout our journey of making the music video from and so on and so forth.  :) Bye-bye


I'm actually kind of relieved to be writing this? Is that bad? 

Before i officially say bye i just want to write a message for my amazing group! Amal, Mariam and Kavita - its been wonderful working with you guys and i know at some points we had been let down by locations or even a blog but we managed to pull through it to find last minute plans! I couldn't have asked for  more supportive and hard working group that wanted to achieve the best grades and would go to the moon and back for it!

The commitment that me and my group members dedicated to media was better than i could have ever asked for. It was a blast filming with you guys everyday in the half term and pulling each others hair out in the editing suite. After all the things we've been through, it wasn't all that bad and i just want to wish you guys all the best in life!! I hope we all get great media grades and i hope you show your friends the great music video that we all made!

As this is my last ever blog post, i want to thank all of the media teachers for being so supportive and helping us through our journey! Couldn't have asked for better teachers! I hope you're proud of our media products and i hope we make it to the 'Hall of fame' . 

I also want to thank blogger for being consistent and a joy to work with.

Thank you and bye, see you on the other side. 

Formally signing off


Heres a small clip of us behind the 

scenes whilst creating our video       


Final progress review

This year i've managed to successfully complete all my blogs that was required of me. I have progressed a lot this year and I can confidently use different softwares and apps to post on blogger. Overall I have used a variety of different ICT on my blogs. 

At the beginning I was quite slow with my blogging, however during the end I managed to improve and started to blog on time and regularly because I started to get used to blogging. I have completed my research, planning, production and evaluation stages. 

Finally I would give myself a 8 out of 10 for keeping up with my blogging tasks.

Evaluation- Question 4

Finally, Im very proud of the work I've created and I learnt a lot from the mistakes I've done on my ancillary work and music video.

If I could change anything from the music video, i would probably stick to a few locations because i found out from my audience feedback that people didn't understand why we chose all the these locations. Although we picked it for a valid reason, its still important that the audience could relate to the music video.

One thing I could change from my ancillary work is too make the text a bit larger. I found that most of my audience feedback commented on this.

I learnt a lot from my audience feedback and it makes me see my video and ancillary work from their perspective and although Im very proud of my work, i realise that there is certain parts i could improve on.




How does my AS blog compare to my A2 blog?

If I'm honest, i was quite proud of my AS blog because i did put a lot of effort and hard work in to it. However i think
It’s obvious to say that there was much much much (repetition intended) more research and planning involved this year. And although there were different technologies suggested to us, we had to work independently to find our own so that was different to AS because in A2 there's much more different content to blog. I discovered so many new ICT apps this year and my email is full of 'Thank you for joining .....' emails because of this coursework ): In terms of detail, i think i did go in to detail about some things in A2 because our ideas had to be explained more thoroughly because things were much more complicated, there were much more marks on the line!!

How effectively does my blog show all aspects of planning, research and production?

Well i think at the beginning i was much more consistent with blogging research blogs because thats when we were bursting with ideas. But I'm afraid to say that i do think there were gaps in my work for when we done so many things in the half term that i never found time to blog or even upload pictures of our journey. We could have showed a more in depth plan on blogger because most of the planning gets done face to face and virtually and it’s hard to document everything. 
 Production blogs were also impressive because we went to so many different locations, there was always a 'how we think it went' blog post' or something along those lines. My blog is quite effective in reflecting on my advanced portfolio due to all the reflection of progress blogs because that's when we realize what we have or still have to do. 

How many individuals posts do i have?

If i counted correctly i have 57 individual blogs out of 94 blogs (might be more if i decide to blog some more). There were loads of things we done as a group to avoid similar blog posts but i feel like i work well on my own as well as a group because we all had different opinions on how things went throughout filming and stuff.
What would you change, given another opportunity?

If I'm honest there isn't much i would change but now that i think about it.. 
I would change the song - i would have rather done a song that doesn't already have a video just so our ideas were fresh and nothing copied from the original videos
I would change it from a group to an individual artist like Jessie J because it would have been so much easier to plan costume and easier for production in terms of availability. 

Formally signing of the blog...!

It has been a great year with the making our music video and ancillary products.
Here are a few lasting memories of the journey.......

Formally signing off! 

Final Progress Review Blog !

I believe that this year I have improved greatly. I think that this year I have used a wide range of variety that I have become confident with. I have also been exposed to new software. The level of detail in my blog has increased as I tend to do my research now. Whereas last year the variety of I.C.T and detail used was limited.

My blog effectively shows all aspects of research, planning and production of my advance portfolio.This is effect because at every stage of the process I have provided plans and research.

I will admit there are gaps between my blogs quite often which I was attempting to avoid. Thats one thing if given the opportunity to change and this could be improved if I managed my time better.

Evaluation- Question 4

What have you learned from your audience feedback?


Question 4 

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Over the period of making the music video and our ancillary work, we asked for feedback at almost every point of the way. We asked for feedback even before we started planning things like location and what we thought our target audience would want to see in a video. 

I've learnt that its essential to get feedback from our target audience because its our target audience that our media products are aimed at.

We got thorough feedback from our media teachers and our target audience for the rough cut and without the feedback our music video would have gone against the conventions of  a music video as it didn't have continuity editing. It made us look at our media product in a different light as after the feedback we had to go back and refilm at some of the locations. If we hadn't got feedback for our 'still chorus' then we wouldn't have filmed again at the kings cross fountain and lost marks for having a still chorus that isn't engaging with the audience due to it being too dark and the artists too far from the camera. 

After asking for feedback after the screening, we asked for feedback on twitter where it was easy to reach our target audience. 

Click here to see ancillary feedback - For my ancillary i was told that the synergy aspect is good and obvious and the black and white color was consistent. Although this made me look at my work in a different way because i could have used the colors black and white for synergy because we wear those colors a lot in the video.

Click here to see feedback after screening

Click here for teachers feedback from rough cut - from the teachers feedback we saw how an older target audience would see our music video and what they thought of it. We often got that the concept was good/nice as it was clear and concise through filming and thorugh the lyrics.

Final Progress Review Blog

I know that from my AS year I've learned a lot and to be honest I wouldn't really change anything because I am really happy with my work but I would probably like to blog on time and not leave it until the last minute but i feel I've improved since our music video deadline. So everything is now good I hope. In terms of  individual posts I have made  54 out of my  88  blogs. Which i think is fairly good compared to last year.

What helped me through my whole journey :)

Audience feedback on ancillary products

Audience feedback on music video

This Abida who didn't get a chance to feedback on my music video giving me feedback because she felt like this was one of the videos that caught her eye and she was also one of the people who said that we looked like we had a lot of fun so I'm quite happy about it.


Evaluation Q4

Thursday 23 January 2014

Evaluation -Question 2

Evaluation- Question 4

Evaluation Q3

Evaluation- Question 2

Evaluation- Question 3

How did the use of media technologies in the construction and research,planning and evaluation stages?

Evaluation- Question 3

Evaluation Q2

These are the costumes that the artists wore for the photo shoot and in our actual music video. So this is one of the things that show that  my ancillary work links to my music video. Also the artists are the same and with similar hairdos and a tad bit of make-up. Also the white wall that was used was pretty effective because its where the artist first sings with the effect of having the lyrics on the wall and where  the images for our ancillary work were taken.

A quick brief of question two's answer:

Evaluation- Question 1

Monday 13 January 2014

Potential Ancillary Products

Ancillary Product Photo's Shortlisted

Digipak Ideas and Inspiration

Mock- up Advertisement

Audience feedback on Ancillary

Production-Audience feedback on ancillary

Advertisement in process ( ancillary in production)

This is my advertisement, and i feel quite comfortable with it seen as i received good feedback from one of my teachers so i feel quite confident with my work also because i'm going with the effect of simplicity and i feel that this is good.  I feel that my advertisement goes with the genre of pop that i was going for. Also, i thought that if i use 

Sunday 12 January 2014

Inspiration for anicillary

Planning- Shortlist of fonts, colours, layouts and design ideas

Shortlist of fonts

  • Ignatz- I decided to use this font, because it looks more fun and its stands out 
  • lucida handwriting- I choses to use this on the more formal writing in stead of the heading
  • Arial- I didn't chose to use this font because it looks too formal
  • Times- I didn't use this font because it made the ancillary product look too boring 

Shortlist of Colours

  • Pink- I chose to use pink because it suited a girl group style. However i didn't use the colour a lot otherwise it would look too childish.
  • Black- I chose to use black for the text
  • Grey- I chose to use grey for the background colour.

Shortlist layouts

  • Landscape poster-I choses to have a landscape poster because it allowed me to be creative with my design
  • Portrait poster- I didn't choses to create a portait poster because i didn't like that layout.
Shortlist Design
  • Balloon on ancillary product- To link to music video
  • Group image on centre

Friday 10 January 2014

Planning- Photography - Location Choice

Photography - Location Choice

We chose to take our photographs in a photography studio behind a white wall. 

We chose to take our photographs there because we wanted a white background so that the group would stand out and the clothes won't clash with the background. I wanted a nice simple background instead of a busy one because I didn't want it to take away the attention from the photograph.

The lighting was also great. We had lots of equipments that we used to our advantage whilst taking the photographs in order to make our photos look professional.

In our music video, we shot certain scenes in front of a white wall in the photography studio. Therefore the photo shoot links to the music video.

Ancillary preview

Short Listing Ideas

The final font I choose to use throughout my ancillary products was Bookman as was apporiate with my theme and I felt it suited my products aswell as being eye- catching.
At first I planned to keep my text plain black but I started to experimenting and thought the black and grey contrast is more effective therefore I carried this colour scheme throughout my ancillary products.

Feedback target audience

Digipack- photoshop

I used Photoshop to create my CD cover. 

I was using Photoshop to create the inside of my digipack. It was quite difficult to create a circle without a black border, so I decided to fill the circle in black and then write the group name and album name in white. 

Thursday 9 January 2014

Planning-Link costume to music video

PLANNING - Costume for Ancillary products

What should we wear???!?!?!?!?!?!

Media costume choice



Digipak in production (inside covers) and a done version

This is the inside cover of my digipak and this is where i was struggling to come up with an idea of what to put on my CD apart from 'Pressure'. I need something more creative but i can't go for something that's too over the top and too fancy. The reason being is that i want to go for the simple effect through out my ancillary work.

this is a finished version of my actual inside cover of my digipak. I've decided to play around with photo shop and then stuck to this quite original layout for my inside.

Tuesday 7 January 2014

PLANNING - Mock up advert

Analysising Magazine Advertisements

PLANNING - Potential ancillary pictures

Here's the edited picture that i wanted to use for my digipak and advertisement. As you may be able to see, the quality isn't great and thats because i used Instagram (the photo editing app on my iPhone) to add a filter to this photo because i couldn't edit it on Photoshop. 
So after i had edited it and sent it back to the mac to put on Photoshop, it downloaded as a really small image and if i enlarge it then the quality goes really bad and the photo becomes pix-elated. 
So i had to change my image choice although i was really happy with this picture ):

Possible photos for digipack

I decided to chose this image for my CD cover because it showed the fun side of the group.  It also look like a real girl group. The costume in that image linked to the music video and the colours were very light and simple, so that people could focus on the new artists.

At the beginning i felt like this picture would be appropriate for the front cover, because the group was wearing bright clothing, However i decided not to use the image because the group seeped slightly distant and it didn't look like a girl group cover.

This was also another option for the CD cover. I liked this image because of the way the whole group was holding the the balloon. However the reason i didn't choose it, is because the group looked too serious and I wanted to show the fun side of the group.

Possible Photos- Advertisment

I plan to use this image for my advertisment because it looks like a fun, girl group image. We all have the same pose and looking up at the balloon.

I also might use this image for the advertisement because the group are all looking at the camera, with a simple smile and the balloon is at the centre.

This was a possible choice for my Advertisement, however i feel like it wont go well because the group seem slightly distant and the balloon is just left in the centre, unattached to the group.

PLANNING - Short list of fonts

Monday 6 January 2014

Digipak in production (production of ancillary) ( front and back cover)

So I've made good progress with the background colour of the back cover. After having a conversation with a teacher and seeing other actual back covers where the colours don't have to be the same.

this is an updated version and my final piece of my front and back cover. I feel happy with it because i was going for the effect of simplicity and the famous black and white effect. I had to put in some colours and i feel good with what i've created because the only other colour that i've used is pink which goes with the outfit colours and that means that i'm following the simple effect with the black and white.