Saturday 28 December 2013

Costumes (planning ancillary)

these outfits are outfits that the artists wore in the music video and we felt that it was appropriate for them to wear it for the pictures we would use for our digipaks. They are casual clothing yet quiet sophisticated for our genre because it is typical in Pop artists' music videos and album covers that they wear clothes from the music video. It also links with our audience which are mainly females and with the colours as well they aren't too bright or too simple. We felt that it was good enough for our ancillary since they wore it in the video and the back ground of the pictures is a white wall, so we didn't have to really worry about having to change the background because the colours would stand out one way or another. 

Friday 27 December 2013

Analysis of magazine advertisements ( researching ancillary)

The close up of Rihanna is very important on the magazine advertisement and there always has to be something from the album cover on the advertisement and in this case it is her synergy , the 'R'. Rihanna's audience would be females as she is a female artist but her audience's age may start from 15-16+ because some of the content of her songs aren't exactly appropriate all the time. Also looking at her album covers its like an indication for those who may like a mixture of R'n'B with a bit of Rock.

Jessie J's album has the similarity on her advert and her album cover of her pose with her knuckles o her temples and the black hair. Also her name in the very same font and size but just different colours. Jessie J's audience would mainly be female and from ages such as 13+, which is the same as my audience.

This magazine advertisement appeared to me in a way where i wanted mine to be quiet similar to it. I know it isn't from my genre but what i really like about it is the location of the artist's name and the font size. Right next to the artist's head, this is a very god way to sell the artist to his audience because the first thing people will look at is the artist and his name being right next to him appeals to people. The age of his audience would be  teenagers from 13+ and mainly females.

Why this location? ( planning ancillary)

Our group decided to use the white wall because we all agreed that it would make a very effective background and it was also in our video. Something very special bout this wall was that it wasn't completely white, but it has a good range of texture and it works well with whether we would use a black and white effect or not for our digipaks.

Thursday 26 December 2013

Importance of a digipak (research of ancillary)


 The importance of a digipack is to sell the artist/band to the audience. To present them to wider world.For this to be done, the artist names have to be on the front cover of the album cover and on the spine big and clear for people to see. The name of the album shouldn't be in a bigger font size than the artist name. Pictures of the artist or band need to be on the front cover or their synergy again to sell them. The back cover must always contain a barcode, record label and the track listing. The pictures displayed on the front cover and the colours and fonts used on the album cover is a main factor that indicates to people what kind of audience the album is aimed at, so they need to be sophisticated and appropriate.

Analysis of digipaks ( researching ancillary)

This album cover relates to my idea because they also use a synergy like the artists in my group, but Little Mix's synergy is the font and size of their band name. They use it in almost all their album covers. The idea of all the artists sitting on that sofa makes them most effective to their audience. Their audience would similar to my audience because they are young and so are the artists in our video. Also the big difference between the fonts and the font size of the album name and the band name is a very effective way and a good way to sell the artists and present them to the audiences.

The Girls Aloud are very different from the above band because they are Elder and less modern unlike the above artists. However, the similarity that appeared to me from this cover is the strong effect that the black and white effect has made. The artists costumes are pretty much the same and that is a similarity that my album picture contains, which consists of all the artists wearing dresses. Again the album name is in a different font and size and colour. The audience of this album will be very different to my album because of the Elder people that the band consists of. And Girls Aloud is an old band and as people know the age group of audience for this album would be approximately from early 20's +. 

This album cover is quiet different compared to the other two and mine, because this album consists of one artist only.But it doesn't create a huge difference as pretty much all the features are the same.The artist's name is is a different font and a different colour. However, what attracted me a lot is the connotations that occur within the the colours. My understanding was that the blood on Nicole's arm represented the word 'Killer' and the red surrounding the words 'killer' and 'love' represent 'Love'. But then the white font that her name is written with juxtaposes with the album name representing purity and innocence. Now the audience to this album would be earlty teens as they would be looking up to such celebrities as a role model.

Friday 20 December 2013

Monday 16 December 2013

Starting the digipak with stress ( production of ancillary)

So i was making an attempt to make the backgrounds of both front and back covers the same colour.But then i couldn't find that colour in the colour palette. So i need to take the picture of the wall.

Digipak-Last year ( research of ancillary)


  • Picture of artist and album name is clear on the front cover
  • Songs are clear on back cover
  • Barcode and record label are on the back cover and clear
  • Name of album is clear on spine 
  • Same font on both covers

  • Name of artist needed to be in bigger font size to sell artist 
  • Name of album needed to be smaller and at the bottom
  • Spine needed album name to be on it
  • Back cover has certain substances missing and looked plain
  • The word 'song' is irrelevant as the songs are clearly listed
  • Font size could have been a little bigger to make song titles clearer

Photos of Artists ( planning ancillary)

PRODUCTION - Feedback from others on music video

Our Own Mini Photo Shoot!!

Digipack- Last year

This my digipack from last year. I learnt a lot from doing this task, for example how to actually structure a CD cover and back. The good thing about this CD cover is that it follows the conventions. However the CD altogether doesn't look professtional and the photoshop skills were bad.

Do's and Don'ts ( planing ancillary)

Digipak- Last year

Sunday 15 December 2013

PLANNING - Taking pictures!

We decided as a group that it would be best to take new pictures instead of using the ones we have from filming simply because they were taken with a still camera and the quality wouldn't have been any good.

On the day we actually ended up taking almost 200 pictures which i think is very little because there's three of us in a group however we were happy with the pictures we took using our black balloon and chose costumes.

Monday 9 December 2013

CD cover random

So today we were taking photographs for the CD cover.
Heres a few photos

Mock ups ( plannig ancillary)

                                                                               Outside front and back covers


Inside coveres

                                                               Magazine advertisement 

PLANNING - Mock up

Here are two of my mock ups! 

I decided to stick to the black and white color palette because we already made the mistake of wearing different color clothes or blue, orange and grey.

So i have a background of white and i wanted to make the photo black and white to give it an old effect however it didn't look as appealing as i'd imagined so i left it with color.  

I also want to keep the inside simple with just the album and group name on the actual CD instead of an image because there's three of us and too many pictures already.


Mock- up Cd cover -

Thursday 5 December 2013

Practise for digipak

 A practise of my own, trying out how to use photoshop and pretty much playing around with it so that i could get use to it.


CD Cover i made AS

  • I stuck to a three color palette (almost) of blue, yellow and a dark maroon color
  • The font of the track listing is nice (Well it looks like a font you would see on actual CDs)
  • I mentioned the record label on the spine and the back cover
  • The artists name is in a bigger font from the album name which is good because the album in to promote the artist instead of the album
  • Almost everything! 
  • Why did i blur our the picture? It made it look unprofessional and silly. (Well i know why we blurred it out because we didn't really take a good enough picture which resulted in using a silly picture we took rather than a bad quality screen shot from the video)
  • The 5 star rating at the back looks fake because i didn't use a stencil but instead with a paint brush on photoshop

Practising-CD cover

Heres my first attempt on creating a cd cover. I was practising in photoshop before I actually start my own CD cover.  Theres a lot of error with this CD cover, for example the text is too small and it looks to empty and plain. However the image is placed nicely on the CD cover.

This task was very helpful because I had a chance to learn about the different tools on photoshop.

RESEARCH - Practise CD cover

Monday 2 December 2013

Analysing 3 Digipaks and Cd covers

Analysing Digipaks and Cd Covers -

Little Mix - Salute- Cd cover is based on the colour red as the sofa and the group name is red, which is emphasised in one of their album tracks -Move.The colour red has been used throughout the music video with the use of red lipsticks and backgrounds. The outfits are fairly similar to the ones on the Cd cover  which clearly illustrates the use of synergy. 

Genre and Audience  - The genre of music produced by Little Mix is the same genre we went for as they we both do RnB and pop.  We are aiming for the same audience as Little Mix as we believe our audience would be young girls who are in there teens but there is a  possibility it could have a wider scale audience and attract older girls such as over 20's.  

 Girls Aloud- Tangled- In the album track Jump, an instant visual link is immediately seen through the use of the purple themed make-up and the flashes of purple. In the music video there is a horror type of setting towards the middle of the video which is also reflected in the digipak. 

Genre and Audience-  The genre is pop which again also ties in with the genre we are doing. Due to the purple/pink colours attract girls and the digipak looking elegant, it may aim for a slightly older audience. 

One Direction-Up all Night- In the album track Gotta Be You, you can instantly spot the synergy as most of the music video is performed outdoors which is almost illustrated in the Cd cover. The trees in the music video is linked with the ones in the Cd cover. 

Genre and Audience-  Again due to One Direction being a boy band the audience would be similar to the ones discussed above but in this case this would have a wider audience in terms of attracting young teenage boys as well. The genre is the same as the one we are doing. 

Analysis of digipaks

Little Mix

Little mix album cover DNA stands out because of the bright colours which suits their fun theme. I like the use of the slit screen for the album cover because it brings you back to think about their popular music video 'wings'. The use of colours is very relevant, because it shows that they're a young pop group.

Little mix music video- Wings is part of the album cover. The main link between the cover and the music video is the background colours and the split screen.

The saturdays

The saturdays cover 'gentleman' is very effective because of the use of costume and colour theme. In the actual music video there is a black and white theme in certain part with links strongly to the album cover. The main thing that stands out is the word Gentleman because its bright red. The font font style is also very effective because is matches the the whole theme.

In the actual music video they wear the exact same costume. This make the album cover look very effective because you can see a clear link between the two. 1ZvAJ

Girls aloud

Girls aloud -'Something new' album cover shows all three of them wearing the same outfit and standing in a straight line. In their music video they are also doing the same move/ position however with a different outfit. Girls aloud is a different type of girl group, their image appeals to older people and therefore their album cover and song reflect that. For example the colours used and costume differs largely from little mix as its more sophisticated.

Girls aloud image from their music video